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Are the Knights gone?


“The good ol’ days”

That’s a phrase every generation seems to use, including my own. People mean different things by it. Some think of memories with old work buddies. Others think about the fishing trips they used to take with their kids. A few people think about those times when the lives of other saints were ringing with faithfulness. And still there’s others who miss those times when everything seemed black and white, with no grey areas.

Now we’re confused and terribly distracted.

There’s a lot going on in the world. We hate turning on the News, and yet we want to be informed. We want to be informed, and yet we despise the weight of what we learn. It is an information overload, and yet we want to 'stay in the game', so to speak.

A lot of people in our nation used to know of the one true God. But now we are a Greek culture. People are extremely informed and yet extremely uninformed. It seems like no one seeks after God anymore. There is a great indifference and disrespect to His name and His renown. In many ways, it’s as if America has drawn a blank card when it comes to understanding true Christianity. The Bible is treated as myth, legend, lore, and fairytale. It has become an object and discussion of mockery by those who do not know God. People do not take Scripture seriously. Instead, it is treated as inspirational quotes or ‘admirable morality’. The people have forgotten God, and they have not known what it is to walk in His ways.

Many years ago, King David asked God, “Where are the faithful in the land?” He felt like he was the only one. Years later, Elijah the prophet would ask this same kind of question while on the run from persecution, except he really believed that he was the last faithful person on the planet. It was then that God revealed to him that 7,000 faithful Israelites still remained. Elijah couldn’t see them. He didn’t even know who they were. But somewhere…they were out there.

In the days of Elijah, it wasn’t popular to speak of the one true God. In fact, since sin entered the world, sinful man has always despised the truth. And those who speak it have always faced difficulties. Sometimes they even have to stand alone.

Generations later, another brave man named Jeremiah was given a ministry from God that, from a worldly perspective, would be a failure. For his entire life, he would speak to a people who wouldn’t listen—a people who had forgotten the one true God and His ways. In fact, it’s not far into his ministry, that God has Jeremiah speak these words to the people:

“Stand by the roadways and look. Ask about the ancient paths: Which is the way to what is good? Then take it and find rest for yourselves.” (6:14). The people, of course, turned down this offer. ‘Why ask about ancient paths when this way of life seems so much better?’

The Israelite’s forefathers had walked in the ways of God. They faithfully had let God direct their steps. And yet something happened. Sin got in the way. ‘Bushes’ and ‘shrubbery’ and ‘dirt’ now covered the ancient paths, making them unknown and unfamiliar. And with the ancient paths, faithful people too seemed to have disappeared.

A lot of things in history have disappeared or become rare. For myself, I think of horses and the prominent role they used to play. Maybe for others, they think of old cars and such. But there’s another icon of history that comes to my mind a lot in these recent times.

It’s the knight in armor.

Knights of old were in service to kings. They represented honor, dignity, respect, and valor. And while many didn’t live up to this, it has made me ask the question if there can be modern knights. Can there be people who—before God—seek to live honorable, dignified, respectable, and courageous lives?

The answer is Yes.

There might be some bushes and shrubs and dirt that we need to push back first, but the ancient paths haven’t gone anywhere. And that is because God hasn’t changed. He remains faithful even when humanity does not.

I would venture to say that there are many ‘knights’ in this world today. They are people who faithfully fill church buildings and live their lives devoted in service to the eternal King. They are individuals who put on the armor of God daily, understanding that every day is going to be a battle. They are people who fight alongside each other and help to carry each other’s burdens. They are people who fight with the valor that God gives them.

The ancient paths are still there. Israel was the original audience, but I do believe the principle applies to us as well. God hasn’t changed. And if ever there is a time when it seems as if the path has disappeared, it is not because God has changed. It is because we have changed.

In Jeremiah 6:16, God gives four simple commands. He says, “Stand by the roadways,” “Look,” “Ask about the ancient paths—which way to go,” and “Then take it!” You’ll find rest for yourselves.

David says, “God my King is from ancient times, performing saving acts on the earth” (74:12). The God of ancient times is the same God today, and He is just as powerful as He’s ever been. The God who faithfully guided men of old is the same God who guides today for those who seek Him and ask for His direction.

The ancient paths aren’t gone. The God of ancient times is not gone. Are the knights in armor gone?

Whenever I go to church, I take a good look around me, and I realize that the knights aren’t gone. They just don’t fight with a metal sword or wear earthly armor.

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