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Something to Give


Words. Words. Words.

We’ve been impacted by words our entire lives. Words have moved history far more than the sword or the rifle. Words have convinced people to change their ways and pursue a different path. Words brought the universe into existence. Words have exposed evil time and again for what it is.

As a writer, God has helped me grasp just how powerful words can be. Every time I write a blog or a post on social media, I ask myself, “What message can I give people? What do they need? And how can I show dignity in sharing it?”

Recently, I watched a film called I Heard the Bells—a production by Sight and Sound Theater. The story focuses on the life of renowned American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. As human beings, sometimes we wonder what effect our words could have. That is something this film captures well in the life of Longfellow. The poet had great skill with words. He knew how to stream his thoughts in a powerful way. Thousands of people—and one day millions—would read his works. Throughout the Civil War, soldiers would memorize the stanzas that he penned.

Many people don’t understand the struggle of being a writer. The greatest struggle is not deadlines or, perhaps, expectations of others. The greatest struggle is knowing that you have a gift with words and every word carries a weight to it. You have opportunity to push things in a direction, and your words might influence another person to a decision.

History is filled with world leaders who had counselors. Those leaders didn’t always listen to counsel, but some of their spokesmen were key influencers in what would change a society.

“If I could give these people something, what could I give them?"

Some writers have a lust and envy for fame and popularity. They want to be famous for the sake of being famous, rather than having a good name and reaching the hearts of people. A good friend of mine once said, “Be careful that you don’t minister ten miles wide and two inches deep”.

I think all of us remember something that someone once said to us. They didn’t think it was that significant, but it still impacts you today. How could something so simple mean so much? Proverbs 25:11 says, “A word spoken at the right time is like gold apples on a silver tray”. Words have the power discourage and encourage. They have power to tear down and to lift up. They can help someone see something they never saw before. God can use words to literally turn the course of one’s life.

In the book of Romans, Paul writes that “Whatever was written in the past was written for our instruction that we might have hope.” The Author of life is closely involved with our lives. How many stories do you read where the author involves himself? And yet, God does not leave us without grace and encouragement. The pages of Scripture finish with, “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints” (Rev. 22).

Everyone has something they can give others. Let the Spirit of God show you what that is

To Him be the glory


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