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Those Guys in Armor


The “armor of God” is one of the most common themes for Vacation Bible School and other church programs. Many of you are aware that I work for Answers in Genesis, and next year our theme is called “Kingdom Keepers,” having an emphasis on the armor of God and our need to put it on.

This morning, I was thinking about the number of times that the armor of God has been referenced or quoted throughout history. Can you guess how much? Thousands, maybe millions of times over the centuries.

I was also asking why the armor of God is more often a theme taught to youth, rather than adults. Is it because we think that youth are more prone to wander than we are? Is it because we think that only youth buy into lies and are generally more vulnerable? What exactly makes Ephesians 6 so captivating to audiences?

Armor is a captivating thing. Have you ever wondered why? Perhaps because it looks cool and is somehow inspiring. It shows that the wearer is committed to something and willing to fight for it. He understands the danger he will face and that he needs the right protection.

Armor is all over the place. We have armored animals, armored vehicles, armored buildings, armored cleaning chemicals, and armored soldiers. We even have movies and shows about guys in armor. It makes me think about the video games I was raised on—games like Halo, Republic Commando, Starwars, etc. I always liked the guys in armor. They represented bravery in the midst of danger, and I wanted to be just like them.

Just recently, I saw that Marvel studios has announced an upcoming show called “Armor Wars”. It seems we really can’t get away from armor and our fascination with it.

Why does the apostle Paul use armor as an illustration in his letter to the Ephesian believers? What was his point in using it? The answer is that the Christian—in order to withstand the danger of opposition and take his stand—must have the right protection. Paul’s point was not to distract his audience from God’s Word, but rather point them to it. We have Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Faith, Salvation, and God’s Word. It is when we put into practice, whether remembering or quoting the realities true of us in Christ, that we are putting on the armor of God. When we get distracted, fearful, stressed, frustrated, uncertain, or anything else that is contrary to the armor, we must put on the armor.

Things to notice…

Before using the illustration, Paul writes, “Be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength.” Paul knew very well that the spiritual war is not easy fighting for the believer. It takes the strength of God to do it.

A little further in, Paul also writes, “Take your stand.” He knew that fighting the good fight requires bravery and persistence on the part of every believer.

Be comforted in this: the One from whom we draw our courage is the same One who spoke these words to a man named Joshua, “Be strong and very courageous.”

Be one of those guys in armor today


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